Privacy Policy


This text contains the privacy policy (hereinafter, the “Privacy Policy”) that applies to your personal data when you visit our web (hereinafter, the “Website”), in compliance with the legislation of protection of privacy, and in particular, in compliance with the Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (RGPD), as well as other analogous and additional legislation.


The identifying data and contact details of the owner and responsible of the Website are the following:

LA REVOLTA S.L. (hereinafter, the “Website Owner”)

Registry information: Registro Mercantil de Barcelona, en el Tomo 41763, Folio 177, Inscripción 1ª, Hoja B396142.

CIF: B-65.232.142

Domicile: Carrer Balmes 200, 7-5, 08006 Barcelona, Spain



The Website collects personal data of the user, either automatically during the use of the Website, or provided voluntarily by the user himself in the sections informed in the Website. We will incorporate all personal data collected to files under the responsibility of the Website Owner. The said data will be treated for the following purposes:

  • To send advertising communications (in case it was expressly authorised at the right time) related with the products and services offered in the Website.
  • To manage the services and products contracted through the Website.
  • To show the information of the user in his Website account’s profile.
  • To be able to contact the user.
  • To be able to register the user in the Website.
  • To subscribe to the newsletter.
  • Pre-order products.
  • Directed and personalized advertising.
  • Advertising according to characteristics of the individual
  • Segmented advertising campaigns.

The legal basis for the treatment of your data is the consent you provide us by contacting us and providing us with your personal data. Before you provide us with third party personal data, you must have previously obtained their consent regarding the content of this Privacy Policy. If you voluntarily provide us personal data, we understand that you authorize the Website Owner to process your data as specified herein. In case the personal data provided by the user was to be used for other purposes than those mentioned above, it will be requested previous express consent by the user. In order to receive further information about your personal data and the purposes of the treatment, contact the Website Owner. The data obtained will be kept for the time required to meet your request.


The Website Owner shall treat the data of the users in an adequate and responsible manner, and shall adopt all measures both technical and organizational that binding regulations establish with regard to data protection in order to preserve the alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorised access to the data.


We will not give your data to third parties except legal obligation.


You can exercise the rights of access, rectification, erasure and opposition by sending a written communication to which you must attach a copy of your national identity card or passport or any other valid document that identifies you, the petition you exercise, your address for the purposes of notifications, date and your signature, along with the documents that support your petition, as the case may be, to the address Carrer Balmes 200, 7-5, 08006 Barcelona, Spain, or send an email to In addition, you also have the right to file a claim to the Spanish Data Protection Agency if you are not satisfied with the attention to your rights.

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